Wednesday, January 20, 2021



Korok is a megalomaniac alien from the 37th century who leads a clone army. Each and every clone in his army is an altered clone of himself. He renamed the first planet he conquered with his own name, Korok Prime. His greatest obsession is to conquer the Confederate Planets and crush the Inter-Space Justice Syndicate, and his greatest achievement in that sense was to seize the Royal Palace of Mars, although it was a flash in a pan, since the Syndicate, supported by the Space Patrol, came to the rescue and Korok fled miserably back to his throne world.
Korok is tremendously cunning and authoritative. His clones aren't very smart (usually), but as shock troops they do pretty well (unless they're taking on the Syndicate, of course). They are disciplined and obedient and their strength and stamina are superior to that of the average human. Korok dominates several star systems and possesses vast resources. But his main asset is his clone technology. 

FIRST APPEARANCE: Space Western #40 (1952) 

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