Monday, March 15, 2021



Gykosians are the inhabitants of Planet Gykos. The Planet Gykos is politically united under the sole command of a tyrant who holds the title of Gykosian Great One. Gykosians are green skinned and they have insectoid eyes. They do not have a bony structure like humans, but a set of specialized muscles and cartilage of great resistance and flexibility, which makes them tremendously ductile creatures. 
Another characteristic of the gykosians are their antennae, two appendages that protrude from the upper part of their faces. Technologically speaking, Gycosians are far more advanced than Earthlings of the 20th and early 21st centuries, having developed interplanetary travel, energy weapons, and many other futuristic inventions. Gycosians are related to Minoans, another extraterrestrial race.

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