Thursday, June 23, 2022



CLASS: Extra-terrestial 
LEGAL STATUS: Illegal alien 
OTHER ALIASES: Laura, Warren Arno 
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Luisiana swamps, mobile 
FIRST APPEARANCE: City of the Living Dead (1952) 

HEIGHT: Variable 
WEIGHT: Variable 
EYES: Variable 
HAIR: Variable 


Fleeing his creditors, Warren Arno took refuge in his Uncle Robert's mansion, deep in the Louisiana swamps. The mansion was inhabited only by Uncle Robert and his butler, Hugo. Robert warned his nephew that the swamp was not a safe place for him, but Warren decided to stay. The first night, Warren was attacked by a shapeless mass that tried to strangle him while he slept but Warren woke up and the creature fled into the swamp. Warren decided not to tell his uncle about the attack, suspecting that he was trying to hide something. Warren spent the day investigating the surrounding area, but found nothing. At night a beautiful young woman visited the mansion. Warren was very attracted to the woman and introduced himself to her. Robert told the woman that he would come see her soon and asked her to leave. Later, Uncle Robert went out into the swamp with a calf. Warren followed him and saw the woman walking with him. The creature then attacked Warren from the ground and began to envelop him while he fired his pistol at it. He managed to free himself and flee back to the mansion. There Warren confronted his uncle to tell him the truth. A long time ago, Robert and his fiancĂ©e, Laura, discovered an extraterrestrial intelligence in the swamp. The creature consumed Laura and assumed her form. She spared Robert's life in exchange for him providing her with more creatures to consume. Disgusted and thinking that the old man had gone crazy Warren strangled him to death. The butler arrived upon hearing noise and Warren shot him dead. When "Laura" appeared again at the mansion, Warren told her that her uncle Robert had died and that he was now rich and that he was going to take care of her. She asked him what had happened with Hugo and he told her that he had fired him and, touching her, he reiterated that he was going to take care of her. Then the woman spoke to him: "Robert Arno and his butler Hugo were my slaves. Your uncle was in charge of providing me with sustenance. I am the first of my kind on your planet. I must grow up! I must have sustenance! You will help me to grow!" The woman began to transform into the swamp creature, much to Warren's surprise and terror. "Warren Arno, you will have a more glorious destiny than them, you will be part of me!" 


The Glistening Death can transform at will from a slimy, disgusting protoplasmic mass into a beautiful woman. In fact, the creature can duplicate the form of any creature it has previously consumed. Its protoplasmic form is completely malleable, it can strangle, envelop and constrict. The Shining Death can move remarkably fast and is capable of draining the "body energy" of its victims. It is extremely intelligent. 

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