Showing posts with label Auro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Auro. Show all posts

Monday, August 02, 2021



REAL NAME: Isobel Blake 
OCCUPATION: Adventuress 
CLASS: Human mutate 
LEGAL STATUS: Citizen of the Confederate Planets 
PLACE OF BIRTH: Ace City, Planet Earth 
KNOWN RELATIVES: Captain John Blake (deceased father) 
GROUP AFFILIATIONS: Inter-Space Justice Syndicate 

HEIGHT: 5' 5" 
WEIGHT: 120 lbs 
EYES: Blue 
HAIR: Blonde-reddish 


Young Isobel Blake was the daughter of Space Patrol Captain John Blake, who was assigned to the Dutch Harbor Space Station on Pluto. The Teachmaster, the Science Pirate, brainwashed the captain into becoming a traitor. The Space Patrol reported to the Inter-Space Justice Syndicate, which sent Lash Lightning to investigate the case. Lash wrongly thought Isobel was involved in the plot and made her believe that he too worked for the Teachmaster and that he had been sent to help her to escape. Isobel played along hoping to clear her father's name, but after they both repelled a surprise attack, the two confessed their ruse and joining forces, they went in search of the Teachmaster. But the Science Pirate was prepared and managed to capture them. The villain connected Lash to a device that would kill him by overloading his electric powers. Lash barely survived, but he knew he would not be able to come to the aid of the Confederation of Planets forces in time. His only hope was to transfer some of his power to Isobel, which she gladly accepted despite the risk to his life. Lash pumped his energy into the girl's body, transforming her into a female counterpart of himself. Thanks to her new powers, Isobel was able to help the Space Patrol in time, while Lash broke Captain Blake's brainwashing by showing him the image of his daughter. Captain Blake fought against the Teachmaster's forces and died a hero. At his funeral, Isobel vowed to join Lash in his battle against evil. Isobel was later accepted into the Inter-Space Justice Syndicate, under the name of Lightning Girl. 

Some time later, Isobel was traveling back to Earth when her spaceship was attacked by pirates near Ganymede. She was unable to stop the assailants, who left her for dead. The burning spaceship crashed on the surface of Ganymede, but Isobel was rescued by Auro. Unable to send out a distress signal, Auro decided to accompany Isobel back to civilization, crossing the jungle to the nearest outpost. Along the way, Isobel, Auro and his devilcat Tara had many adventures and the two humans fell in love.


Like Lash Lightning, Isobel's powers include flight, electricity generation, and super-enhanced strength and speed. Her powers are recharged with electricity. She can also track Lash through a shared telepathic link. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021



REAL NAME: John Hardwich Jr. 
OCCUPATION: Adventurer 
CLASS: Human mutate(?) 
LEGAL STATUS: Citizen of the Confederate Planets 
OTHER ALIASES: Lord of Jupiter 
PLACE OF BIRTH: Urbania (Planet Earth) 
KNOWN RELATIVES: John and Mary Hardwich (deceased parents) 
GROUP AFFILIATIONS: Inter-Space Justice Syndicate 
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Inter-Space Justice Syndicate Headquarters, Urbania (Planet Earth) 
FIRST APPEARANCE: Planet Comics #1 (1940) 

HEIGHT: 6' 0" 
WEIGHT: 190 lbs 
EYES: Brown 
HAIR: Brown 


In the XXXVII century the planet Jupiter has been transformed into a red dwarf star called Jovis and its moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto) have become colonies of the Earth. 

Professor John Hardwich was traveling in the spaceship "Aurora Borealis" with his wife and his 8-year-old son. Their journey came to a tragic end when their spaceship was blown off course by a solar storm and crashed into the wild jungles of Ganymede. The professor's son was the only survivor, alone in a vast wilderness with the only help of an educational hologram with the image of his father. One day, looking for food, the boy found the corpse of a devil-cat (a kind of Jovian saber tooth) and next to it a baby pup. The boy adopted the cub, who became his inseparable companion as they grew up. He called her "Tara". Somehow something affected in a good way the boy's development, that he grew abnormally strong, fast and with heightened senses beyond human. Some time later, a spaceship was attacked by pirates near Ganymede. Isobel Blake, aka Lightning Girl, who was traveling back to Earth was unable to stop the raiders, who left her for dead in the burning spaceship. 

It crashed onto the surface of Ganymede, but Isobel was rescued by the son of dr. Hardwich, now an adult and calling himself Auro (due to the name of his parents' spaceship "Aurora Borealis", whose name had been partially erased of its keel). She was unable to send a distress signal so Auro decided to accompany Isobel back to civilization, crossing the jungle to the nearest outpost. Along the way, Isobel, Auro and Tara the devilcat, had many adventures and the two humans fell in love. Eventually, they reached civilization and Auro decided to travel to earth and become a member of the Inter-Space Justice Syndicate, as it happened. 


Auro's level of strength is several times that of a normal human and he possesses superior senses, reflexes and agility. Although he does not possess superspeed in a strict sense, he is capable of running much faster and longer than the best Olympic athletes. In addition, Auro has Tara, his faithful devil-cat companion, something bigger and stronger than a bengal tiger and with an almost-human intelligence. Auro still keeps with him the educational hologram with his father's appearance and occasionally speaks to it for advice.