Showing posts with label Inter-Space Justice Syndicate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inter-Space Justice Syndicate. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 20, 2021



OCCUPATION: Adventuress 
CLASS: Artificially created human 
LEGAL STATUS: Citizen of the Confederate Planets 
OTHER ALIASES: Mysta Morgan, Ana Thane 
KNOWN RELATIVES: Dr. Kort (creator -deceased-), Nors (genetic twin -deceased-), Rob Morgan (husband) 
GROUP AFFILIATIONS: Inter-Space Justice Syndicate 
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Inter-Space Justice Syndicate Headquarters, Urbania (Planet Earth) 
FIRST APPEARANCE: Planet Comics #35 (1945) 

HEIGHT: 5' 9" 
WEIGHT: 125 lbs 
EYES: Blue 
HAIR: white 


In the XXXVII century, the scientist Dr. Kort works in his lunar laboratory to create a pair of perfect humans. Through genetic engineering, Kort creates Mysta and Nors. As he electronically charges all human knowledge directly into their brains, he accelerates their growth into adulthood. He also builds a pair of androids to serve and protect them. Unfortunately, an incorporeal and evil entity from Mars, the Mars Marauder, possessed Nors and caused him to kill Dr. Kort and attempt to kill Mysta as well. Mysta was able to see through the deception, although unfortunately she had to kill Nors to preserve her life. With the Mars Marauder defeated, Mysta and her mind-controlled robot (Bron) face new dangers from their lunar citadel. His first mission was to defeat the Superbrain, who returned from the distant past (20th century) to attempt to conquer Earth once more. During this adventure she met Bud Par and Marv 0.1.2 Go + and together they founded the Inter-Space Justice Syndicate. For a time she maintained a romantic relationship with Dirk Garro, the head of the Security Council of the Confederate Planets, but the relationship ended when Rob Morgan (Lash Lightning) joined the Syndicate. The crush was instantaneous, Rob and Mysta became a couple, and soon after they got married. 


Mysta was genetically engineered to be the pinnacle of human perfection. Her strength, endurance, agility and senses are at the human limit. Also her intelligence, cybernetically stimulated before she was born. Without forgetting that she houses in her brain a compendium of all human knowledge. Mysta also has the ability to project her astral form at any time, she can project mental illusions (for example, pretending to become invisible) and is also capable of seeing through the veil of illusion. 



REAL NAME: John Hardwich Jr. 
OCCUPATION: Adventurer 
CLASS: Human mutate(?) 
LEGAL STATUS: Citizen of the Confederate Planets 
OTHER ALIASES: Lord of Jupiter 
PLACE OF BIRTH: Urbania (Planet Earth) 
KNOWN RELATIVES: John and Mary Hardwich (deceased parents) 
GROUP AFFILIATIONS: Inter-Space Justice Syndicate 
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Inter-Space Justice Syndicate Headquarters, Urbania (Planet Earth) 
FIRST APPEARANCE: Planet Comics #1 (1940) 

HEIGHT: 6' 0" 
WEIGHT: 190 lbs 
EYES: Brown 
HAIR: Brown 


In the XXXVII century the planet Jupiter has been transformed into a red dwarf star called Jovis and its moons (Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto) have become colonies of the Earth. 

Professor John Hardwich was traveling in the spaceship "Aurora Borealis" with his wife and his 8-year-old son. Their journey came to a tragic end when their spaceship was blown off course by a solar storm and crashed into the wild jungles of Ganymede. The professor's son was the only survivor, alone in a vast wilderness with the only help of an educational hologram with the image of his father. One day, looking for food, the boy found the corpse of a devil-cat (a kind of Jovian saber tooth) and next to it a baby pup. The boy adopted the cub, who became his inseparable companion as they grew up. He called her "Tara". Somehow something affected in a good way the boy's development, that he grew abnormally strong, fast and with heightened senses beyond human. Some time later, a spaceship was attacked by pirates near Ganymede. Isobel Blake, aka Lightning Girl, who was traveling back to Earth was unable to stop the raiders, who left her for dead in the burning spaceship. 

It crashed onto the surface of Ganymede, but Isobel was rescued by the son of dr. Hardwich, now an adult and calling himself Auro (due to the name of his parents' spaceship "Aurora Borealis", whose name had been partially erased of its keel). She was unable to send a distress signal so Auro decided to accompany Isobel back to civilization, crossing the jungle to the nearest outpost. Along the way, Isobel, Auro and Tara the devilcat, had many adventures and the two humans fell in love. Eventually, they reached civilization and Auro decided to travel to earth and become a member of the Inter-Space Justice Syndicate, as it happened. 


Auro's level of strength is several times that of a normal human and he possesses superior senses, reflexes and agility. Although he does not possess superspeed in a strict sense, he is capable of running much faster and longer than the best Olympic athletes. In addition, Auro has Tara, his faithful devil-cat companion, something bigger and stronger than a bengal tiger and with an almost-human intelligence. Auro still keeps with him the educational hologram with his father's appearance and occasionally speaks to it for advice. 



REAL NAME: Jane of Jem 
OCCUPATION: Adventuress, princess of Mars 
CLASS: Mutant/Magician 
LEGAL STATUS: Citizen of the Confederate Planets 
PLACE OF BIRTH: Planet Mars 
KNOWN RELATIVES: Jarl and Jane (deceased parents), Thula (sister), Marsu (uncle), Taar (cousin), Vanza (aunt) 
GROUP AFFILIATIONS: Inter-Space Justice Syndicate 
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Inter-Space Justice Syndicate Headquarters, Urbania (Planet Earth) 

HEIGHT: 5' 8"  
WEIGHT: 118 lbs 
EYES: Blue 
HAIR: Blond 


In the XXXVII century the Planet Mars is a monarchy and the members of the royal family possess superhuman abilities. Princess Jane, who would be known as the Magician from Mars, was born with the ability to alter reality with her mind. Her powers developed as she grew older. At six years old, she was already able to materialize small objects out of nowhere and make things levitate in midair. When her parents died in strange circumstances, Duchess Vanza (her aunt) became Regent until Jane's older sister, Thula (who was 16) reached adulthood and was crowned Queen. Jane was taken against her will to the Convent of the Sisterhood of Steel, but she soon escaped from it and later stowed away on a ship bound for planet Earth. Her powers caught the attention of the Guild, a secret society of wizards that took her in and taught her the best way to use her powers. When the Civil War broke out on Mars, Jane wanted to return home, but the Guild had other plans for her and unleashed an elemental demon to hold her on Earth. The fight attracted the attention of the Inter-Space Justice Syndicate, who helped her defeat the creature and later traveled with her to Mars to help resolve the Martian conflict. Jane met with her sister Thula and the two faced the leader of the terrorist organization the Scarlet Shroud, instigator of the revolt. This character turned out to be her own aunt, the Regent Duchess Vanza herself. The revolt was put down, but Vanza escaped, vowing revenge. Jane and her sister Thula became members of the Syndicate and left the rule of Mars in the hands of her cousin, Prince Taar, son of Duke Marsu.

Jane and Ur, one of her colleagues from the Inter-space Justice Syndicate, have a platonic but deeply intense relationship. 


Her powers included superintelligence, the ability to manipulate matter at will, and the ability to transform her own physical appearance (in fact, Jane was actually no more than 8 years old when she returned to Mars to stop the rebellion, however her physical appearance and her mental maturity were already those of a grown woman). The Magician from Mars' powers were scientific in nature, yet her ability to alter reality at will was not far from magic. 

Friday, June 26, 2020



REAL NAME: Marv 01.2 GO+ 
OCCUPATION: Scientist, adventurer 
CLASS: Highly evolved human 
LEGAL STATUS: Citizen of the Confederate Planets (CP) with no criminal records 
OTHER ALIASES: The Super-Boy of the Year 3680, Marv 01.2 GO+ 
KNOWN RELATIVES: Ralph 124C 41 +
GROUP AFFILIATIONS: Space Patrol (honorary), Inter-Space Justice Syndicate 
FIRST APPEARANCE: Superworld Comics #2 (1940)

HEIGHT: 6' 1" 
WEIGHT: 160 lbs 
EYES: Green 
HAIR: Red 


Marv 01.2 GO+, the Boy Supergenius of the Year 3680, is a hero of the future and the son of Ralph 124C 41+, the world greatest scientist. 

While only 15 years old, Marv has inherited his father's intelligence. The '+' at the end of Marv's name is a status symbol, usually awarded only to ten chosen adult men, which gives a person access to use the 'Super-Hypnobioscope' that allows them to learn while they sleep. He and Bud Par (Wonder Boy) were the founding members of the Inter-Space Justice Syndicate. 

Marv fell head over heels for Ann Starr aka Super-Star, Wonder Boy's cousin. They had a romance for a while, but she finally decided to return to the 20th century, breaking the heart of the smartest boy in the 37th century.


Marv is a genius who, despite being only 15 years old, possessed the knowledge of an experienced scientist. He uses devices like pea-sized electronic bombs and a stun gun that can make anyone fall asleep.