Monday, October 17, 2022



REAL NAME: Dara Druilsen 
OCCUPATION: Shield-maiden 
CLASS: Mutate human 
LEGAL STATUS: Citizen of Denmark 
PLACE OF BIRTH: Tine, Greenland 
KNOWN RELATIVES: Druil (father) 
GROUP AFFILIATIONS: Protectors Inc., Fixers 
BASE OF OPERATIONS: Tine, The Bench (Washington DC) 

HEIGHT: 6' 3" 
WEIGHT: 475 lbs 
EYES: Blue 
HAIR: Blond 


There is a place in the far north of Greenland, a fjord hidden from the eyes of the world and the passage of time. An oasis of green forests and warm waters in the middle of a frozen immensity. In this extraordinary place is the town of Tine, founded in 1361 by Druil the Heroic. Druil and his people guarded the Golden Bow of Rolfe the Mighty, whose powerful magic protects Tine and its inhabitants, extending their lives seemingly indefinitely. Dara is the daughter of Druil, born in Tine under the influence of the Golden Bow and therefore endowed with great gifts that make her the champion of her people. However, the people of Tine live in eternal conflict with the pirates of Cyngar who desire possession of the Golden Bow to use it to plunder the entire world at will. Ford Robbins and Gene Dorn of the United States Air Force found Tine after their plane crashed in the North Atlantic. After Cyngar was defeated, Dara decided to accompany them back to the United States, where she became good friends with Thor's avatar and became part of the Fixers and Protectors Inc. 


Dara has several superhuman attributes, such as superhuman strength, superhuman speed or superhuman stamina. Dara's tissues have approximately 3 times the density of the body tissue of a normal human. As a result, she is much heavier than it seems and her greatest density contributes to her physical strength and durability. She is able to resist falls of large heights, exposure to extreme temperature and pressure, high caliber bullets and tremendous impact forces without suffering seriously injuries. If Dara became injured, her accelerated metabolism would allow her to regenerate damaged body tissue faster and more efficiently than a normal human being. Injuries such as sharp cuts and wounds can heal completely in a few hours and broken bones in a matter of days. However, she cannot regenerate a severed limb or a missing organ. Like all the inhabitants of Tine, Dara has extremely extended lifespan and ages at a much slower pace than that of an average human being. Thanks to being born under the influence of the Golden Bow, Dara does not need to remain in Tine to maintain his life and is able to venture into the outside world without problems. Dara has trained for combat for almost seven centuries and has shown an excellent skill in unarmed combat, with the sword and horse riding. Her natural fighting skill is insurmountable. 

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