Saturday, November 05, 2022



OCCUPATION: Adventuress, princess 
CLASS: Extra-terrestial 
LEGAL STATUS: Legal alien 
PLACE OF BIRTH: Planet Nevu 
KNOWN RELATIVES: Robert Burke (foster father) 

HEIGHT: 6' 0" 
WEIGHT: 150 lbs 
EYES: Blue 
HAIR: Black 


How terraqueus Bob Burke arrived at the desert planetoid is something that has not yet been clarified. What is known is that after seven years trapped in that inhospitable place with Gwud's only company (an ugly but friendly creature that followed him as a faithful dog), Burke began to suffer what he believed hallucinations due to his long and lonely exile in which a enormous hand asked him for help. After the visions the bellicose makkari came, a couple of them, looking for something or someone. One of them killed Gwud and full of anger the terraqueus killed him in revenge. The other tried to kill Robert, but a force beam of unknown origin ended the threat. The ship in which the Makkari had arrived took off and began to chase him while shooting him. But the pilot's impetus makes it crash before being able to reach Burke. Then Bob Burke found the origin of the force beam that had saved his life: a girl. Communicating telepathically, the little girl told him that her name was Teba and that she was the last of Planet Nevu's Regent House, destroyed by the Makkari. Koglok, the Makkari ship's pilot, who had survived the crash surprised them and when he was going to finish him with his blaster, another ray of psychic force from little Teba put the aggressor out of combat. Teba fell faint, but not before she mentally communicated the location of its space capsule to the terrestrial, who took her in his arms. Burke and Teba flew to the earth and he raised her like a father. And when the Makkari threatened their new home, the Princess of Nevu joined the heroes of the Earth to neutralize the threat. 


Teba has notable psychic abilities that she can use for long periods of time before feeling fatigue. It is believed that psychic skills were something common to the Nevusian race. These skills include the ability to communicate telepathically, mental control, mental attacks, mental protection, personality alteration, erased and modification of memory, generate extremely convincing telepathic illusions and medium-low Level Telekinesis. Teba also has intelligence above the terrestrial average, highlighting in science. Burke took care that she received training as a fighter, to prepare her for a possible Invasion of the Makkari. In that aspect, It was very useful for her the extraordinary control over the autonomous function of her body that granted her her nevusian psychic abilities. Her Greatest weakness is that her psychic abilities require certain degree of concentration. 

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