Monday, June 20, 2022



Potectors Ltd. was a team of paranormals founded by Captain Wizard, Fero, Eelo and Mercury Man. In reality it was more of a temporary union of individuals than a team itself. Basically, one of the members would make an emergency call, they would get together, eliminate the threat and each one would go their separate ways. Some time later a second, larger team was formed, this time under the heading of The New Protectors formed by Dara of Tine, Doc Frost, Icarion, King The Ape-Man, Marla Drake, Paul "The Raven" Lerner, Princess Teba, Samson and Satán. The last iteration of the group consisted of Charles "Butcher" Benton and Thun-Dohr as founding members and they were joined by Tony "Midnight Mask" Colby and Barbara "Babe" Boone. This group was called Protectors Inc. and was a cross between a detective agency/security company. 

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